Sung Woo Chung, Ph.D

    Division of Computer and Communication Engineering
    University Seoul 136-713, Korea
    E-mail :
    Tel. : 82-2-3290-3194



    Seoul National University


  • Ph.D in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Feb., 2003)
  • Member of PANDA(Parallel Architecture and Design Automation) Laboratory
  • Thesis : Effective L2 Cache Organizations for Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems
  • Thesis Advisor: Prof. Chu Shik Jhon

    Seoul National University


  • MS in Computer Engineering (Feb., 1998)
  • BS in Computer Engineering (Feb., 1996)
  • Member of PANDA(Parallel Architecture and Design Automation) Laboratory
  • Thesis : Performance Evaluation of Ring-Based DSM Using Snooping Cache Coherence Protocol

    Seoul National University (graduation with honor)


  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering. (Feb., 1996)

    Working Experience

  • Jan. 2000 - Feb. 2000: Academic Visitor, ETL(ElectroTechnical Laboratory). Tsukuba, Japan. Joint Fellowship by KOSEF(KOrea Science and Engineering Foundation) and J ISTEC(Japan Internationl Science and Technology Exchange Center) (with Dr. Kenji Toda)
  • Jan. 2002 - July 2002: Academic Visitor, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA. Joint Fellowship by IBM and KRF(Korea Research Foundation) (with Dr. Craig Stunkel and Dr. Doug Joseph)
  • Jan. 2003 – Feb. 2005: Senior Engineer, Samsung Electronics (Semiconductor Business - System LSI Devision – SOC R&D Center - Processor Architecture Lab.), Kiheung-Eup, Yongin-Si, Kyeongi-Do, 449-711 Korea.
  • March 2005 – Jan. 2006 : Visiting Researcher, Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, Joint Fellowship by Ministry of Information and Communication, and University of Virginia.
  • March 2006 – Feb. 2010, Assistant Professor, Korea University
  • March 2010 – Feb. 2015, Associate Professor, Korea University
  • March 2015 – present, Professor, Korea University

     Teaching Experience

  • Mar. 1996 - Aug. 1996: Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Engineering, Seoul National University. Taught "Digital Logic Experiments"
  • Aug.1999 - Feb.2000: Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Seoul Women's University. Taught "Introduction to Computer and Practice"
  • Mar.2000 - Aug.2000: Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering, Anyang University. Taught "Introduction to Information and Communication"
  • Mar.2001 - Aug.2001: Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Sookmyung Women's University. Taught "Computer Architecture I"
  • July 2003 – Oct. 2003 : Lecturer, Department of Digital Engineering, SSIT (Samsung Semiconductor Institute of Technology). Taught "Digital Circuit Design"
  • July 2004 – Oct. 2004 : Lecturer, Department of Digital Engineering, SSIT (Samsung Semiconductor Institute of Technology). Teaching "Digital Circuit Design"

    Technical Service

  • 1998 : Reviewer of ICPP (International Conference on Parallel Processing)
  • 1999 : Reviewer of ICPP (International Conference on Parallel Processing)
  • 2003 : Session Chair of PACT-SHPSEC (The 2nd Workshop on Hardware/Software Support for High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing)
  • 2003 : Reviewer of ISLPED (International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design)
  • 2004 : Reviewer of Journal of Korea Information Science Society
  • 2004 : Program Committee of Samsung Human-tech Paper Award
  • 2004 : Program Committee of Samsung Humantech Paper Award
  • 2004 : Session Chair of Korean Conference on Semiconductors
  • 2004 : Reviewer of Ninth Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference
  • 2004 : Reviewer of International Conference on High Performance Computing
  • 2005 : Program Committee of Samsung Humantech Paper Award
  • 2005 : Reviewer of International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery:
  • 2005 : Reviewer of Journal of Korea Information Science Society
  • 2005 : Reviewer of Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems
  • 2005 : Reviewer of Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems : Special Issue on FPGA-based Reconfigurable Computing
  • 2006 : Reviwer of Samsung Humantech Paper Award
  • 2006 : Program Committee of 2006 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
  • 2006 : Reviewer of Design Automation Conference
  • 2006 : Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Computer Aided Design
  • 2006 : Reviewer of International Conference on Computer Aided Design
  • 2006 : Session Chair of Asia-Pacific Computer Systems and Architecture Conference
  • 2006 : Program Committee of IEEE Conference on Computer and Information Technology
  • 2006 : Session Chair of International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Application
  • 2006 : Reviewer of Journal of Low-Power Electronics
  • 2007 : Associate Editor of Journal of Korean Information Processing Society
  • 2007 : Track Chair of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
  • 2007 : Local Arrangement Chair of Asia-Pacific Computer Systems and Architecture Conference
  • 2007 : Program Committee of Asia-Pacific Computer Systems and Architecture Conference
  • 2007 : Program Committee of IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computer Systems and Applications
  • 2007 : Program Committee of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • 2008 : Program Committee of International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication
  • 2008 : Program Committee of International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
  • 2008 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design
  • 2008 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Embedded Multicore Systems-on-Chip
  • 2009 : Program Committee of Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design
  • 2009 : Program Committee of International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2009 : Editorial Board of Journal of Information Processing Systems
  • 2009 : Editorial Board of Journal of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers : Computing Practices and Letters
  • 2009 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design
  • 2009 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Embedded Multicore Systems-on-Chip
  • 2009 : Program Committee of International SoC Design Conference
  • 2009 : Program Committee of IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference
  • 2009 : Student Forum Committee of Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
  • 2009 : Program Committee of Autumn Conference of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing
  • 2010 : Guest Editor of The Computer Journal
  • 2010 : Program Committee of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2010 : Session Chair of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2010 : Program Committee of IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
  • 2010 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design
  • 2010 : Program Committee of Asia Symposium & Exhibits on Quality Electronics Design
  • 2010 : Program Committee of International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing & Applications
  • 2010 : Program Committee of Student Forum at Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference
  • 2010 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Embedded Multicore Systems-on-Chip
  • 2010 : Session Chair of Symposium on Wearable Computer
  • 2010 : Editorial Board of Journal of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers : Computing Practices and Letters
  • 2010 : Associate Editor of Journal of Information Processing and Systems
  • 2011 : Associate Editor of Journal of Information Processing and Systems
  • 2011 : Session Chair of Workshop of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers Special Interest Group on Defense Software
  • 2012 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design
  • 2012 : Program Committee of Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design
  • 2012 : Publication Chair of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2013 : Processor Architecture Track Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2014 : Computer System Track Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2014 : Local Arrangement Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2010 – 2015 : Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers
  • 2015 : Program Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Computer Design
  • 2015 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference
  • 2015 : Program Committee of IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
  • 2016 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference
  • 2016 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
  • 2017 : Program Committee of IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
  • 2017 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference
  • 2017 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
  • 2017 : Local Arrangement Chair of IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip
  • 2017 : Vice President of Korea ACM SIGARCH Chapter
  • 2018 : Program Committee of IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
  • 2018 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference
  • 2018 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
  • 2019 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
  • 2019 : Program Committee of International Symposium on Memory Systems
  • 2020 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
  • 2021 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
  • 2021 : Program Vice President of Korea Supercomputing Conference
  • 2022 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
  • 2024 : Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design